Increase in Kharif sowing – Will it be boon or bane for farmers?
Farmgate Infrastructure Development a prelude to Enhance Economic Profile of farmers
Farming as a Service- A promising model to explore!
Collaboration of BASF with PowerPollen promises improved hybrid wheat :
PowerPollen has the potential to collect, preserve and apply wheat pollen at commercial scale, which will significantly increase pollination efficiency of hybrid wheat seed. The pollen preservation technology of PowerPollen will provide leverage to BASF for expanding the potential of the use of their hybrid wheat and improve productivity and profitability of farmers.
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Corteva Agriscience is leveraging drone technology to help farmers manage their crops:
Powered by DroneDeploy’s Live Map technology, Corteva’s agricultural drone fleet is enabling the company’s agronomy and strategic account management teams to transform the way farmers manage their crops by providing real-time aerial views of their operation. For the current growing season, Corteva Agriscience currently has over 1,000+ pilots across the organization
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Analyzing factors impeding incorporation of biofuels in fuel sector in India using AI:
A framework was designed by scientists at IIT, Hyderabad to study the multi layered supply chain network to capture the different parameters in the supply chain and their effect on design and operational decisions and the uncertainties in forecasting. The model takes into consideration both revenue generation and carbon credits in terms of saving greenhouse gas emissions.
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Weed killing robots to disrupt Herbicide industry:
AI-powered weed hunters could soon reduce the need for herbicides. Killer robots are designed to move through the fields at a walking pace, identify each weed seedling based on prior mapping data, thus creating a chemical free alternative for use in the field. The robots see and follow the depth of the rows, know how much space should be between each row, and follow a preprogrammed precision map.
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Reniform nematode has the potential to reduce half the yields in cotton fields:
Scientists at Auburn University confirm through a study carried out for two years that Reniform nematode can reduce cotton yields by 50%. Nematicide Velum was found to be effective against this nematode and the use of it increased the yield by 55% in favorable weather conditions.
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Tropic Biosciences, BASF partner to use GEiGS technology for crop development:
Tropic Biosciences partners with BASF to utilize Tropic’s GEiGS™ (Gene Editing induced Gene Silencing) technology to develop traits to address growers’ most critical challenges in protecting crops. As per the agreement, Tropic Biosciences will generate GEiGS candidates that have the possibility to enter the BASF discovery pipeline for development of disease and pest control traits.
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Can ICRISAT discovery help to revive Pigeon pea breeding and improve affordability?:
Recent findings on the key role of temperature and a plant growth hormone in regulating male sterility and fertility of crop may revive research to develop hybrid varieties and improve the yield of pigeon pea. When male sterility is temperature regulated, hybrid seeds can be produced with just two lines. An improvement in yield can reduce the price of pigeon pea and make it affordable to consumers.
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Fertilizer sales soar 83% higher than previous year despite lockdown hurdles :
111.61 lakh tons of fertilizer sales to farmers were recorded at Point of Sale (POS) from April to June compared to 61.05 lakh tons recorded during the same period last year. This 82.8% year on year increase was met despite the lockdown. Sales of urea zoomed up to 67%, whereas that of complex fertilizers more than doubled. DAP sales increased 2-fold to 22.46 lakh tons.
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