Complementary Tools Set to Accelerate the Agriculture Research to Increase Productivity
Exploiting the Wild Genetic Pool & Modern Technologies to Develop Climate-Smart Crops
Agtech Innovations Holds Promise to Drive Transformation in Horticulture Sector
Banana Wine making technology licensed to Maharashtra based FPC for promoting wine industry:
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu has licensed and transferred the Banana Wine and Vinegar Making Technology to Maharashtra based Farmer Producer company. The licensing aims to enable increasing farmers income by getting into tertiary processing, creating more job opportunities, reducing over ripening banana waste across supply chain by converting the ripe bananas into alcoholic beverage product.
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Strategic collaboration to offer Mycorrhizal products to Indian agriculture industry:
The two global companies ADAMA and Groundwork BioAg have signed a joint agreement for developing and disseminating sustainable and cost-effective mycorrhizal products to Indian farmers that has potential in substituting synthetic fertilizer usage. The first collaborative product is Tormos™, a granular mycorrhizal inoculant for local farmers growing vegetables, sugarcane, potato, and row crops, including corn and soybeans.
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Indian firm likely to get the nod from Bangladesh regulators for Bt cotton:
Bangladesh will likely approve the commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton varieties from an Indian company soon. In a report in the Dhaka Tribune last week, the Bangladesh National Technical Committee on Crop Biotechnology has approved two Bt cotton varieties acquired from Hyderabad-based JK Agri Genetics. Bt cotton will be Bangladesh’s second GM crop after Bt brinjal, which was approved in 2013.
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Global enterprises sign MoU to enhance sustainable value offerings to soybean farmers in India:
Bayer has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in India with ADM to build and implement a sustainable crop protection model for soybean farmers. The partnership will create a holistic ecosystem that will help improve smallholder farmer incomes by sustainably enhancing their soybean yield through the proper market linkages and helping India achieve self-sufficiency.
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Development of new polymers to quicken the formation of beneficial biofilms for better yield:
The technology has been invented by the Scientists at the University of Birmingham to encourage bacteria to form growth-promoting ecosystems that could be used to coat the roots of plant seedlings. The team of scientists developed novel synthetic polymers that stimulate the formation of these bacterial communities, in a way that mirrors biofilm formation. Once the biofilm is formed, the bacteria can produce their own matrix to allow the transmission of nutrients and water, and the discharge of waste products.
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Global Multinational addressing the potential of Millets for adequate food, nutrition, and livelihood security:
Observing the “International Year of Millets 2022-23” Corteva Agriscience addressed the huge potential of millets in bolstering India’s food security. India is the largest producer of millets and their increasing demand for the hybrid seeds that can be grown in in irrigated as well as rainfed areas that can help farmers to increase their income.
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