Tough Luck for Biosimilars in June as FDA turns down Two Approvals

Continuing Uncertainty surrounding Trumpcare and Healthcare Coverage

Industry Thrust on Next Generation Sciences calls for early thinking of Commercial Models

Blurring Competitive Lines between Pharma and Medical Devices

EMA Cranberry Ruling set the balls rolling for Regulatory Repealing in Self-care Medical Devices Classification

Medical Buyer
Orthopedic Devices Market – At a Turning Point
Assocham Conference
Cold Chain Technologies_ Transforming Food Supply Chains
Sathguru wins Prestigious “Great Place To Work”Certification
MANDATES —ongoing assignments and partnering opportunities
- Buy side mandate – US generic opportunities
- Strategic investments – Leading Israeli CDMO with strong expertise in topical products
- Series A VC fund raising – Artificial Intelligence based digital health venture
- Business Plan – Medtech Translational Center
- Cold Chain Technologies: Transforming Food Supply Chains
- Embracing Innovation, Driving Growth Across Healthcare Continuum – “Making in India”
- The Make in India Imperative – Position Paper on Regulatory and Policy Changes required for Sustained Competitiveness of the Indian Vaccine Industry
- Indian Orthopedic Devices Market A $2.4 Bn Opportunity
- Biosimilars – How can we realize the $ 240 Bn Opportunity