Should Minimum Support Price (MSP) be guaranteed by law?
Farmgate Value Addition: Critical for increasing farm income and rural growth
Scope of Modern Retailing in Agribusiness Sector
GI Tag for Wada Kolam or Jhini Rice:
Traditional rice variety grown in Wada in Palghar district of Maharashtra has been given a ‘Geographical Indication’ (GI) tag, giving it a unique identity and wider markets. Wada Kolam commands a price of Rs. 60-70 per kg in domestic markets and has a sizeable demand overseas as well. Though it is a low-yielding crop, this GI tag will also help exports and domestic trade.
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Free distribution of hybrid seed mini kits to promote oilseed production:
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare planned to distribute 8.20 lakh seed mini-kits free of cost in 343 districts of 15 major producing states to enhance the production and productivity of oilseeds in the country under National Food Security Mission (NFSM) - Oil Seed and Oil Palm Scheme. The program will increase production and productivity by increasing the seed replacement rate.
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1000 crore credit guarantee fund for FPO’s:
Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Farmer Producer Organizations (CGFTFPO) signed trust deed with NABSanrakshan, a Nabard subsidiary for Rs. 1000 crore fund for FPOs. This has been launched as a part of central government’s scheme of “Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs”. The credit guarantee offered through the Trust is expected to enhance the credit worthiness of FPOs in addition to facilitating cost effective production and productivity leading to higher net incomes for the FPO member farmers.
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Drone trials conducted in Hyderabad showcasing usage in Agriculture:
Showcasing usage of drones in Indian agriculture Bayer conducted its first drone trial at its multi-crop breeding centre in Chandipa, near Hyderabad. Drones are the next generation solution to the abundant agricultural challenges in the country related to labor shortages, low productivity, lack of mechanization of the agricultural processes and environmental challenges. Drones can play a crucial role in targeted applications of disease-control products and offer real-time agronomic advisory to farmers.
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Microsoft and Bayer partners to build effective digital tools for Agriculture:
Bayer has collaborated with Microsoft to create a new cloud-based digital tools and data science solutions for agriculture and allied industries. A well-developed infrastructure and technical as well as digital expertise of both the firms will add a great value in coming up with sustainable digital interventions required across agri-food value chain.
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Food processing and animal husbandry ministries sign MoUs for convergence of schemes:
The Ministry of Food Processing and the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying signed an MoU that includes extension of credit benefits to entrepreneurs through various schemes in the establishment of dairy processing, meat processing, and animal feed plants.
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Sectoral depth and multi-disciplinary expertise: Holistic solutions to catalyze business growth

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